- amep.plot.set_locators(axis: Axes | ndarray, which: str = 'both', major: float = 10, minor: float = 1) None #
Set the locations of major and minor ticks.
- Parameters:
axis (AxesSubplot or array of AxesSubplot objects) – Axis (matplotlib.pyplot axis object) for which the location of ticks should be modified.
which (str, optional) – Apply the locators to this axis (‘x’, ‘y’, or ‘both’). The default is ‘both’.
major (float, optional) – Distance between major ticks. The default is 10.
minor (float, optional) – Distance between minor ticks. The default is 1.
- Return type:
>>> import amep >>> import numpy as np >>> fig, axs =, figsize=(9,3)) >>> x = np.arange(20) >>> y = 2*x >>> axs[0].plot(x, y) >>> axs[1].plot(x, y**2) >>> axs[2].plot(x, y/2) >>> amep.plot.set_locators(axs[:1], which='x', major=5, minor=1) >>> amep.plot.set_locators(axs[0], which='y', major=10, minor=2) >>> amep.plot.set_locators(axs[1], which='y', major=200, minor=50) >>> amep.plot.set_locators(axs[2], which='both', major=5, minor=1) >>> fig.savefig('./figures/plot/plot-set_locators.png') >>>