
The AMEP library can be installed via pip, conda, or by manually adding the amep directory to your Python path. Installation via pip or conda is recommended. To use all plot animation features, please additionally install FFmpeg ( on your machine (see below).

Installation via pip#

AMEP can be simply installed from PyPI via

pip install amep

Installation via conda#

AMEP can be simply installed from conda-forge via

conda install conda-forge::amep

Manual installation#

Before installing AMEP manually, ensure that your Python environment fulfills the required specifications as published together with each release. If your Python environment is set up, download the latest version from amepproject/amep and extract the zipped file. Then, add the path to your Python path and import amep:

import sys
import amep

Alternatively, you can add the path permanently to your Python path by adding the line

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/amep-<version>"

to the .bash_profile file (Linux only). If you use the Anaconda distribution, you can alternatively add the amep directory to Lib/site-packages in the Anaconda installation path.


AMEP provides the possibility to animate plots and trajectories. To enable all animation features, FFmpeg must be installed on the device on which you run AMEP. FFmpeg is not automatically installed when you install AMEP. Please visit to download FFmpeg and to get further information on how to install FFmpeg on your machine.