API Reference ============= The AMEP **A**\ ctive **M**\ atter **E**\ valuation **P**\ ackage Python library is a powerful tool for analyzing data from molecular-dynamics (MD), Brownian-dynamics (BD), and continuum simulations. It comprises various methods to analyze structural and dynamical properties of condensed matter systems in general and active matter systems in particular. AMEP is exclusively built on Python, and therefore, it is easy to modify and allows to easily add user-defined methods. AMEP provides an efficient data format for saving both simulation data and analysis results based on the HDF5 file format. To be fast and usable on modern HPC (**H**\ igh **P**\ erformance **C**\ omputing) hardware, the methods are optimized to run also in parallel.) .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary :template: custom-module-template.rst amep.base amep.cluster amep.continuum amep.evaluate amep.functions amep.load amep.order amep.pbc amep.plot amep.reader amep.spatialcor amep.statistics amep.thermo amep.timecor amep.trajectory amep.utils